
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

English Channel Has Been Conquered.

At last.

English Channel has been conquered by a small quadcopter drone. Ever since William the Bastard crossed the narrow band of sea in 1066 and earned the title William the Conqueror, the channel has stood as an impenetrable barrier to invaders. It is a barrier by nature.

In 1909, Louis Blériot became the first person to fly across the English Channel, but records have been claimed as recently as last year, when the first two entirely electric airplanes crossed the channel, each claiming to be the first plane like that to do so (it’s still disputed which one was first).

Richard Gill of Team Ocuair has been planning for years to fly his unmanned electric quadcopter while sat from inside a little boat following the trail. The flight took place on February 16th, with the custom-built quadcopter flying almost 22 miles in 72 minutes. The pilot at all times was within 1600 feet of the drone, to comply with local laws, but “with GPS guidance and automated flight it is perfectly feasible that the drone could have made this flight independently,”

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